Why appmarketplace.com exists
If you're an ISV, or are building an ISV partner program, you ask questions like:
- How many partner-built integrations do we have?
Which other platforms and marketplaces do our partners work with?
Which app marketplaces are our own integrations listed in?
Are our integrations any good? Do customers like them?
How do our integrations compare with our competitors? Better? Worse?
Which integrations are we planning to build next? Why?
How does our ecosystem compare with our closest competitors?
Should we launch our own app marketplace? What does success look
Who are the best partner contacts to connect with? And prospects?
appmarketplace.com exists to give ISV partnership teams the tools, data,
insight, and support to answer questions like these - and many more.
Hugh Durkin
Founder, appmarketplace.com