Five key attributes of high quality app marketplace listings

I’ve had a lot of conversations over the years with partners looking for real-life examples of high-quality App Marketplace listings. One of my favourites is HubSpot App Partner, OrgChartHub.

Here’s five reasons I love their listing.

1. High quality video, with clear use cases and pricing

Dan, the founder of OrgChartHub, wastes none of the 2 minutes and 25 seconds of video time - jumping right in with a quick tutorial on how to install OrgChartHub in a HubSpot portal. A quick mention of their five-chart freemium plan later, viewers are brought straight into the app itself to see it in all its glory.

2. They pull social proof from reviews into the listing

OrgChartHub earned over 50 five star reviews for an average 4.8/5 rating - and they catch the attention of potential customers by pulling some of the best reviews into the description. This is social proof at its best - strong recommendations from happy customers. Super smart idea, because on the HubSpot App Marketplace reviews are a scroll or tab-click away.

3. They describe features as solutions to problems

B2B buyers don’t buy “features” - they buy products that save them time, money, or both! OrgChartHub use terms like “one-click” and “AI” to help potential customers quickly understand the time saving capablities of the product. And, as we know, time is money.

4. They offer up pricing in a detailed, transparent way

A growing number of app marketplaces require partners to publish transparent plans and pricing on their listings. Why? It’s for the partner’s own benefit - transparency removes friction from the evaluation process, eliminating back-and-forth and mis-matched expectations. OrgChartHub lean into this with clear, transparent pricing and clear calls to action.

5. They make the most of marketplace features

App marketplaces aren’t just used by customers searching for products. They’re also used by platform go-to-market teams as a central resource to quickly answer questions and objections about apps and integrations. So it makes sense to add all the content you can to your marketplace listings - from documentation, to case studies. Listings are free - make the most of them!

Marketplaces are not the Yellow Pages

At HubSpot, we often told our App Partners to “sell the way our customers like to buy” - and to treat their App Marketplace listings like a store in a shopping mall.

If a landlord offered you a physical store in a shopping mall for free, would you set up the shop window once and leave it there for eternity? Of course you wouldn’t! You’d test what works, see which customers come knocking, and - based on their feedback and your insight - edit and change the window to find more customers like your best customers.

OrgChartHub are the perfect example of an App Partner tending to their App Marketplace listing like a store owner would dress their window in a shopping mall. The care they show for their listing is a good sign that they’ll care for their customers just as well.

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