

Platform Ecosystem Strategy

Platform Ecosystem Strategy

Why Marketplaces Are the Future of SaaS Go-to-Market

"Never before have SaaS companies spent SO MUCH for SO LITTLE!" With one LinkedIn line, David Spitz described the biggest challenge in SaaS. CACs have reached likely all-time highs, at a time new logo growth is more important than ever. Will the "Year of Efficiency" become the "Decade of Efficiency"?

Platform Ecosystem Strategy

The Pareto Principle Applied to Platform Ecosystems

I've grown fond of comparing platform economies with real world economies. "Platforms" are fairly abstract things - intangible for most - so relating them with familiar concepts and principles makes them easier to understand.

Platform Ecosystem Strategy

A Platform Isn’t A Platform Without An “Idea Network”

Hand axes were made to a pretty unvarying design for over a million years — 30,000 generations — whilst computer mice were invented less than a century ago and already have evolved to the point of being obsolete.

Platform Ecosystem Strategy

What is a Platform?

From enabling passengers to embark and disembark trains, to vertebra-crushing shoes, and operating systems like Microsoft Windows, “platform” has been used to describe many different things, in many different contexts, over a long period of time.