Partner Program Design

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The HubSpot App Partner Program: Why We Eliminated Tiers

The HubSpot App Partner Program: Why We Eliminated Tiers

When I joined HubSpot in November 2018 to lead the HubSpot Connect Partner Program, Scott Brinker had a pretty big initial "ask" for me.

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How to Make Your First Product Partnerships Hire

How to Make Your First Product Partnerships Hire

Heres's a real challenge for SaaS leaders: where to start when hiring someone to manage integration-focused partnerships.

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Platform Partnerships That Get Measured, Get Managed

Platform Partnerships That Get Measured, Get Managed

Tist of ‘product’ companies that have successfully become ‘platform’ companies is incredibly short.

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What Technology Platforms Can Learn from McDonald’s

What Technology Platforms Can Learn from McDonald’s

If you’ve never eaten a Big Mac, Filet-O-Fish, or McMuffin, chances are you know someone who has.

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