
Pipedrive Marketplace

Partner Program Summary

The Pipedrive Partner Program is designed for service providers, developers, and affiliates who wish to extend the functionality of Pipedrive CRM through custom integrations and applications. Partners benefit from co-marketing opportunities, exclusive partner resources, and potential revenue sharing. The program is intended to support the building of valuable integrations that enhance the Pipedrive user experience.

Integration Requirements

To integrate with Pipedrive Marketplace, developers must use OAuth for authentication, adhere to API rate limits, and ensure their app complies with Pipedrive's security and privacy standards. All integrations must provide a seamless user experience and should not lead to any data inconsistencies within Pipedrive. Additionally, apps must handle Pipedrive data securely, and respect all data protection laws applicable to the user’s data.

Listing Requirements

For a listing on the Pipedrive Marketplace, there are specific requirements for images and videos. App listings must include a logo (sizes 256x256 and 512x512 pixels in PNG or JPEG format), a cover image (1280x720 pixels in PNG or JPEG format), and screenshots suitable for both web (up to 1240x930 pixels) and retina displays. If a video is provided, it should be in MP4 format. All visual elements must be of high quality, clear, and relevant to the app's functionality. Pricing information for the app or service must be disclosed within the listing, ensuring transparency for potential users of the app.