
Contentful Marketplace

Partner Program Summary

The Contentful App Partner Program is designed for technology providers who are looking to build integrations that extend the capabilities of the Contentful platform. Partners get access to resources that help them create and promote their apps, including technical support, co-marketing opportunities, and access to the Contentful Community. The program seeks to support innovative solutions that enhance user experiences and workflow efficiencies.

Integration Requirements

Integrations with Contentful must adhere to the guidelines defined by their App Framework. Integrations should be designed to offer extended functionality, seamless workflow for content creators, and customization capabilities to meet unique Contentful user needs. Developers must ensure that their integrations align with security standards, provide necessary documentation for users, and follow best practices for UI/UX consistent with Contentful design principles.

Listing Requirements

For a successful listing on the Contentful Marketplace, apps must include specific types of images. There should be a main image with a size of 1400x932 pixels in a PNG or JPG format. Additionally, logo images are required to be in PNG format with a size of 800x600 pixels. Submitting a detailed description, benefits, and features of the app is crucial for listing. Pricing information, if relevant, should be transparently communicated within the app listing, ensuring prospective users are well-informed regarding any costs associated with using the app.