From products
to partnerships

Data, insights, and tools to master app marketplaces.

Built for partnership leaders, by partnership leaders from

Facebook Logo
HubSpot Logo
Intercom Logo

Marketplaces are are a fast growing, efficient, low CAC channel

Fast growing

$85 billion

Canalys predict cloud marketplace sales will reach US$85 billion by 2028


80% acquire 80% of their customers through app marketplaces like HubSpot and Linear

But mastering app marketplaces isn't easy

It's hard to manage listings, identify potential new marketplaces to get listed in, and understand where competitors are listed (and how they're doing). Partnerships teams need more time - and better tools.

Learn how we can help

Missed opportunities

Without the right insights and tools, identifying new marketplace opportunities takes too much time. And lots of spreadsheets.

Limited insights

Where are we already listed? How many reviews do we have? What's our rating? How do these compare to our competitors and partners?

Loads of work-work

Identifying potential partners to co-market and co-sell with is hard enough. Getting in touch - and staying in touch - is even harder.

Get started

Let's ignite your marketplace go-to-market. product screenshot